Teaching Development
We advise and support you in developing your repertoire of teaching and evaluation tools. If you would like improve your courses and assessments – whether in-class, online, or both (blended learning) – you will find a knowledgeable and hands-on team ready to support you.
Teaching Formats with in-Class Components (Blended Learning)
Modern teaching strategies at universities link in-class instruction with self-study. Teachers often use their contact time in class to give a systematic overview of the course contents and goals, to go deeper into select areas (often through case studies), and to allow students to work in an interactive way (skills acquisition). These processes can be greatly supported through digital tools. Self-study time is generally used for a considerable portion of the knowledge acquision, and may take place both before and after contact time (blend-in, blend-out). Here, digital tools are clearly instrumental. Your ProLehre department liaisons are eager support you in developing and improving these various teaching methods. Depending on your goals and needs, we can involve experts from our other teams – for example, Media Production or Moodle.
Online Teaching (incl. Massive Open Online Courses)
In addition to hybrid teaching strategies (blended learning), universities are increasingly implementing purely online courses with no in-class time. These are pedagogically demanding as all course components must be virtually recreated. Online courses generally comprise monologic elements, such as texts and videos, in addition to dialogic elements, such as forums, homework assignments, and feedback (whether from the instructor, among peers, or automated). Such courses may be closed (e.g., only on Moodle within the university), half-open (e.g., available to select students of other Bavarian universities through vhb), or open (e.g., Massive Open Online Courses on the edX and Coursera platforms). Since expertise is needed to develop such courses, we strongly suggest that you consult our online teaching experts, who will involve additional teams as needed (e.g. Media Production, Higher Education Pedagogy).
Assessment Formats
Since assessments have a great impact on students' study habits, they should be taken into consideration in course design (constructive alignment). Especially essential in this regard is to carefully align assessment strategies with learning outcomes. Your ProLehre department liaisons will gladly support you in formulating learning outcomes and analysing assessment methods – for example, using our in-house tool developed through the award-winning project "Herausforderung Prüfen". We can also involve experts in additional areas as needed (e.g. examination rights, electronic assessment, formative tests in Moodle).