- ProLehre is a founding member of the ProfiLehrePlus network of Bavarian universities, through which we coordinate our Higher Education Teaching Program and award the Certificate for Teaching in Higher Education at the Bavarian Universities.
- ProLehre is an institutional member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hochschuldidaktik. As a member of various working groups and committees, we contribute to the networking, standardization and professionalization of higher education pedagogy.
- Within the TU9 network, we coordinate our strategies and programs to improve teaching and promote staff mobility among the nine universities.
- As a member of the Kompetenznetz Medizinlehre Bayern, we develop higher education and medical education pedagogy courses for lecturers throughout Bavaria.
In addition, we are a member of the Society for Media in Science, the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Medienzentren an Hochschulen, the German Initiative for Network Information, and the Typographic Society Munich.
- Since 2013, TUM has had partnerships with edX and Coursera —platforms for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCS).
- We are a partner university of, the leading German platform for e-learning in higher education.
- The Social Entrepreneur Academy is a joint institution of the four Munich universities, with whom we have developed and implemented a Massive Open Online Course.
- Our long-term collaboration with Profil has included joint team training, joint committee work and the integration of our two course programs.
- Together with the Medical Education Center at the Klinikum rechts der Isar, we develop strategies and projects to improve medical teaching.
- Together with the Carl von Linde Academy and the AStA, we carry out the Project Work module, in which students can integrate volunteer work into their studies.