Simone Janda


Telephone: 089-289-25373
Office: Barer Straße 21, 1.Stock, Raum 1.18
Post: Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

Short Bio

Simone Janda studied speech therapy (M.A.) at LMU Munich and adult education (M.A.) at TU Kaiserslautern. She then worked for several years as a speech and language pathologist in various speech therapy practices, an interdisciplinary early-intervention care center, and a youth psychiatric clinic. Since 2017, she has been working on projects to foster study skills among students. Her focus is to expand the selection of online Lerncoach programs for students and to design e-learning media.


Foster study skills among students (especially the online Lerncoach program and multimedia content for study skills development).