Nathalie Koblischke

Study Skills


Telephone: 089-289-24359
Office: Barer Straße 21, 1.Floor, Room S1518
Post: Arcisstraße 21, 80333 München

Short Bio

Nathalie Koblischke studied teaching with the subjects art, math, German and school psychology (1st state examination) at the LMU Munich. During her studies she completed a coaching training at the LMU and was involved in teaching in the field of counseling psychology. After graduation, she started her Master's degree „M.Sc. Psychology: Learning Sciences“ (LMU Munich) and started working as a research assistant at ProLehre. Here she was initially responsible for social media and marketing of study skills support. She joined PLMD as a staff member in 2022.

Additional qualifications:

  • Coach in complex systems (CIKS - LMU Munich)


  • Content creation for social media (Instagram and TikTok) & marketing of learning skills support offerings.
  • Advising students in the context of learning consultations
  • Development of asynchronous teaching - and learning formats for learning competence (Moodle).

Selected publications

  • Koblischke, N. (2019). Project Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Mechthild Schäfer. Die explorative Untersuchung des Zusammenhangs zwischen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten und Begabungsstufen. Poster presented at the JuniorResearchers@F11 Undergraduate Research Conference. University of Munich, Munich, Germany.